Program and conclusions
The IV Regional Conference on EIA was held from 18-21 September at the Olympia Hotel in Vodice, Croatia. A total of 300 participants were registered, who presented 87 oral presentations and 7 posters.
For the fourth time, the Conference brought together representatives of state administration bodies, environmental practitioners, entrepreneurs and investors, and civil society organizations.
In addition to the traditional conference topics – Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment, the Ecological Network Impact Assessment, this Conference had round tables presenting and discussing current issues that are and will be the focus between the two conferences.
This time roundtable topics were “Renewable Energy Sources and Natura 2000” and “Physical Planning and Environmental Procedures”. The keynote speakers and moderators were recognized experts from the region who, based on their professional experience and views, set the tone and directed the discussion.
The program of the Conference was fully implemented according with the previous announcements of the conference.
PROGRAM and CONCLUSIONS in Croatian can be viewed at here
Zbornik sažetaka / Book of abstracts dostupan ovdje / available here
Sekcija A. Procjena utjecaja na okoliš / Section A. Environmental Impact Assessment
Sekcija C. Održivi i uključivi razvoj / Section C. Sustainable and Inclusive growth