Hotel complex
Olympia Sky
Vodice, Croatia
Sep 14th -17th 2022

Environmental assessments as instruments of European Green Deal: how to address climate change and biodiversity loss?
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
of the Republic of Croatia
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
of the Republic of Croatia
About the Conference
On behalf of the Croatian Association of Experts in Nature and Environmental Protection (HUSZPO) we are proud to invite you to the European and regional conference „Environmental assessments and the European Green Deal '22“ which will be held in Vodice, Croatia, in hotel Olympia, in Sep 2022, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia and Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia.
All previous regional conferences (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019) on Environmental Impact Assessment were exceptionally successful. At each, more than 100 expert presentations were given and several round tables with diverse topics were held. Each conference had more than 300 participants (practitioners, scientists, public authority representatives, representatives of the local and regional governments, NGOs, public relations experts, members of the media and investors) from Croatia, the region and beyond. With the aim to additionally contribute to the quality and reach of the conference through participation of experts from all over the Europe, we are also organizing the 2022 conference as the European conference on this topic, putting it at the same time in the context of European Green Deal. The issues raised in the area of environmental assessments in the region (with several countries – candidates for accession to EU) are similar to those in other countries in Europe, and through open dialogue we strive to increase our understanding of the challenges that arise in environmental procedures and to consider solution possibilities.
Within thematic framework of the conference, we would like to support European Green Deal, the EU's central strategy for growth through the fundamental transformation of the economy and society. We would like to put the main focus of the conference on seeking the solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss within environmental assessments as necessary tools for decreasing vulnerability and increasing resilience of ecosystems and sustainability of ecological network Natura 2000.
We hereby invite you to join the conference that became the platform for arranging cooperation and exchanging experiences with experts from different countries.
- Zbornik radova (“Okolišne procjene i Europski zeleni plan “)Dostupan je zbornik radova konferencije (“Okolišne procjene i Europski zeleni plan”)
- Environmental procedures in the implementation of the Green Plan throughout EuropeNakon službenog zatvaranja konferencije iznimno smo zadovoljni što je ova međunarodna konferencija, posvećena ulozi okolišnih postupaka u ostvarenju Europskog zelenog plana, rezultirala izvanredno dobro posjećenom i vrlo intenzivnom razmjenom misli stručnjaka različitih profila, što kroz panel diskusije, što kroz tematska predavanja. Iako rezultate konferencije tek treba… Read More »Environmental procedures in the implementation of the Green Plan throughout Europe
- Official opening of the conference "Environmental Assessments and the European Green Deal '22"Danas je u Vodicama službenim otvaranjem u hotelu Olympia započela europska i regionalna konferencija „Okolišne procjene i Europski zeleni plan ’22“, koja se održava od 14.-17. rujna 2022. pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva gospodarstva i održivog razvoja Republike Hrvatske i Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije Republike… Read More »Official opening of the conference "Environmental Assessments and the European Green Deal '22"
- Conference program available for downloadHere you can download conference program
- Preliminarni program konferencije dostupan za preuzimanjeObavještavamo Vas da je dostupan Preliminarni program konferencije. Preliminarni program
Previous conferences
Previous conferences
The idea is that the Conference brings together EIA practitioners, scientists, public authority representatives, non-governmental organizations, public relations experts, investors form Croatia, the region and beyond, who are involved in environmental impact assessment procedures and are willing to share their knowledge and experiences in a democratic environment.
Since often in practice a discord between the stakeholders in environmental impact assessment procedures can be noted, which leads to delays in the procedure and investment realization, one of the main Conference goals is to improve communication and increase trust between the stakeholders, all the while respecting expert knowledge and best practice.
We are proud that all of our conferences were „carbon neutral“, namely all of the greenhouse gas emission of the event were compensated. By investing in greenhouse gas reduction units created through renewable energy resources projects and re-forestation, emissions of participant transport and lodging, conference logistics and venue have been neutralized.