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Tematska cjelina: Održivi razvoj i financijski okvir


  1. EU Taxonomy for facilitating sustainable investments
  2. Links between EU Taxonomy and impact assessment processes
  3. Sustainability proofing
  4. Links between sustainable finance frameworks and Environmental – Social - Governance (ESG) systems
  5. Green infrastructure
  6. Ecosystem services
  7. Circular economy

Possible thematic challenges

  • What are the key practical implications of the EU Taxonomy for the banking sector and listed companies?
  • What may be the future implications of the EU Taxonomy on development of EIA and SEA systems and environmental decision-making processes?
  • What is the role of environmental assessments in the implementation of the DNSH principle in the development of projects in accordance with the European Green Deal?
  • How can environmental assessments direct economic development towards the circular economy, especially considering their role in financing EU funds projects?
  • What may be the wider implications of the EU taxonomy for future Environmental-Social-Governance(ESG) systems used in the corporate sector?
  • Can (and how) the development of green infrastructure help achieve the goals of NATURA 2000 conservation?
  • How to include the best possible assessment of ecosystem services in SEA and EIA?