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Conference 2015

Second Regional Conference on Environmental Impact Assessment was held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Croatia in Novi Vinodolski, from September 16th to 19th, 2015.

HUSZPO je u rujnu 2013., organizirao Prvu regionalnu konferenciju o procjeni utjecaja na okoliš. na kojoj je sudjelovalo oko 300 sudionika iz više od 10 zemalja. Kao prvo takvo okupljanje stručnjaka i investitora iz cijele regije, Konferencija je ostvarila svoje glavne ciljeve s velikim uspjehom. Ohrabreni uspjehom Prve konferencije, odlučili smo krenuti u organizaciju Druge regionalne konferencije o procjeni utjecaja na okoliš, još uvijek jedine stručne Konferencije koja se održava na ovu temu u regiji.

In September 2013, HUSZPO organized the First Regional Conference on EIA that had more than 300 participants from more than 10 countries. As the first assembly of experts and investors from the region, the Conference had achieved its main goals with a great success. Encouraged by the success of the First Conference, we have decided to proceed with the organization of the Second Regional Conference on EIA, which is still the only expert Conference of this topic in the region.

The goal of the Conference was, once again, to bring together stakeholders in environmental and nature protection procedures, so that they could exchange their knowledge, experiences and opinions though a constructive and democratic dialogue, thus removing communication barriers and increasing mutual understanding and trust between the stakeholders, all the while respecting expert knowledge and best practice. Conference participants were professionals and scientists in the field of environmental and nature protection, significant number of authorities’ representatives, regional and local government representatives, international financing institutions, media and investors from the region and further still. Namely, the Second Conference has broken its regional limits, and we are happy to say that we had participants from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Luxemburg, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Switzerland. We feel that the Second Conference was also successful since numerous expert papers, more than 100 of them, were presented and two theme round tables were held, which have brought forth a critical mass of knowledge and best practice that can motivate changes for the better.

We would like to express our gratitude to our patrons sponsors, members of the Organizing, Scientific and Advisory Committees, authors, key-note speakers, panelists of the round tables, moderators, participants and all others for their contribution to the realization of the Conference!